
제6회 Sprit of Art 展 조아진 화가 출품 작품 안내

조아진 2020. 1. 30. 23:41

6Sprit of Art

조아진 화가

출품 작품 안내


202023일 월요일 ~ 8일 토요일


Lee & Lee Gallery

3130 Wilshire Blvd #502 Los Angeles


조국현 강양순 조아진 외

주최 및 주관


전시 작품 / Art Works Info

Artist / 조아진 / Ah Jin, CHO

Title / 생각이 많은 사람

Heavy thoughts Human

Size / 53 x 45.5cm

Material / Mixed media on canvas

Creation Date / 2014

Artist / 조아진 / Ah Jin, CHO

Title / 두 사람 - 키스

Two human - kiss

Size / 53 x 40.9cm

Material / Mixed media on canvas

Creation Date / 2015

조아진 프로필

Artist CHO, Ah-jin Profile

학력 / Education Career

상명대학교 애니메이션전공 졸업 및 동대학원 만화영상전공 석사수료 중

개인전 4/ The 4times Solo Exhibition

초대전 및 아트페어 13/ The 13times Invitational Exhibition and Art Fair

Singapore Affordable Art Fair / Fi Pit Building, 1 Republic Blvd / Singapore

New York Affordable Art Fair / Metropolitan Pavilion, new York / USA

Seoul Art Show / 코엑스 무역센터 / 대한민국

PLAS 조형 아트 서울 / 코엑스 무역센터 / 대한민국 외

단체전 70여회 / The 70times Group Exhibition

기억의 보따리 in 도르트문트/ 도르트문트 쫄러른 탄광 박물관 / Kohlenbergwerk Museum / Zollern Dortmund / Germany

세계평화와 여성인권을 위한 2018 보따리/ OKK Gallery / Berlin / Germany

탈핵, 탈원전 백핵무익/ 소월아트홀 갤러리 / 서울 성동구 / 대한민국

Lee & Lee Gallery Invitational Exhibition / Wilshire, Los Angeles / USA

애니메이션 및 영상 경력 12/ The 12times animation Direction and Product

'방탄 철가방' / 공연용 삽입 영상 연출 / 창작판소리 바닥소리

성냥팔이 소녀를 위하여’ / 애니메이션 연출 / 영화진흥위원회 사전제작지원 외

웹툰, 만화 및 일러스트, 삽화 경력 14/ The 14times Cartoon Direction and Product

효순이 미선이 15주기 추모 웹툰 해후’ (25) / 웹툰 제작 재능기부 외

교육경력 / Teaching Career

경희대학교 예술디자인학부 디지털콘텐츠전공 및 예원예술대학교 만화게임영상학부 강사 역임 외

/ Present Career

일러스트레이터, 방문미술 그림샘 대표

이메일 : cajme77@hanmail.net

웹사이트 / Web Site

다음 블로그 : http://blog.daum.net/jincajme

네이버 블로그 : http://blog.naver.com/jinohng

페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/joahjin77

인스타그램 : https://www.instagram.com/joahjin77


Illustrator CHO, Ah-jin Profile

Education Career

Sangmyung University, South Korea

Graduate School of Art and Design, Major of Animation Certificate

Bachelor of Arts, Faculty of Cartoon & Animation, Major of Animation

The 4times Solo Exhibition (South Korea)

2019.06.12~2019.06.16 / The 4th Solo Exhibition 'Memory Piece' / PLAS Plastic and Contemporary Art Seoul / COEX trade center / Gangnam-gu, Seoul / South Korea

The 13times Biennials and Art Fair

Singapore Affordable Art Fair / Fi Pit Building, 1 Republic Blvd / Singapore

New York Affordable Art Fair / Metropolitan Pavilion, new York / USA

Seoul Art Show Invitation Artist Group Exhibition / COEX trade center / South Korea etc..

The 70times Group Exhibition

Bottari of Memory in Dortmund / Kohlenbergwerk Museum / Zollern Dortmund / Germany

World peace and human rights for women 'Bottari' (International Memorial Day for the Comfort Women) / OKK Gallery / Berlin / Germany

The 5th 3 Generation Artist Family Regular Exhibition ‘New Familism’ / Mudeung Gallery / South Korea

Lee & Lee Gallery Invitational Exhibition / Wilshire, Los Angeles / USA etc..

The 1times Animation Screen Career

For the little match girl / Seoul Animation Center Screen / South Korea

The 12times Animation & Movie Career

Mono drama for children 'Run, Run, Run, Finding the Golden Button' / Production of insert video for performance / Theater Masil / South Korea

Chosun Detective Hongseolrok / Direction of inset video for performance / Creation Pansori Badaksori / South Korea

Bullet-proof Steel Container / Direction of inset video for performance / Creation Pansori Badaksori / South Korea etc..

The 14times Web-Toon, Comics & Illustration Career

15th Memorial Hyosoon & Misun Student Girl 'Reunion' / Web Toon, Talent Donation / those who hold peace and unification

story by story "Where are you from Black Ant?“ / Create illustration for performance / Creation Pansori Badaksori, Namwon National Gugak Center / South Korea etc..

Teaching Career / 2004~

Caricatures lecture of Songpa Culture Center / South Korea

Pearl Buck Foundation Korea, multi-cultural family help campaign / Understanding of the cartoon / Donation of talent / South Korea

Kyunghee University part-time lecturer / Major of digital content (digital cartoon & character design) / South Korea

Yewon Arts University lecture / Major of cartoon-game-screen (a survey of animation, animation) / South Korea etc..

Present Career

Illustrator, CEO of Home Art School GRIMSAM

E-mail. cajme77@hanmail.net

Web Site

DAUM Blog : http://blog.daum.net/jincajme

NAVER Blog : http://blog.naver.com/jinohng

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/joahjin77

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/joahjin77

#조아진 #조아진작가 #조아진화가 #화가조아진 #illustration #illustrator #fineart #art #artist #painter #modernart #contemporaryart #leeandleegallery #leenleegallery #cartoonist